Cybersecurity Standards Consulting

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  • Cybersecurity Standards Consulting
  • Standards Consulting

    Standard consulting in cybersecurity is a type of advisory service that helps organizations to implement and maintain appropriate cybersecurity measures. The aim is to ensure that the client's systems, networks, and data are protected from potential security threats. This may involve providing advice on security best practices, assessing current security measures, and making recommendations for improvements.

  • PCI DSS Compliance

    PCI DSS Compliance refers to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. It is a set of security standards designed to ensure that all companies that process, store, or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. PCI DSS Compliance requires companies to implement measures such as encryption, firewalls, and regular security assessments to protect cardholder data.

  • Hi-Trust

    Hi-Trust is a security framework developed by the US government to provide guidelines for protecting sensitive information and systems. The framework provides a comprehensive set of security controls and best practices that organizations can use to secure their information systems and meet various legal and regulatory requirements.

  • GDPR

    The GDPR is a EU law on data protection and privacy that requires organizations to be transparent about their data processing, respect individuals' rights to access and control their personal data, appoint a Data Protection Officer if necessary, report data breaches within 72 hours, conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments, and face substantial fines for non-compliance. The GDPR applies to all organizations processing the personal data of EU citizens, regardless of location.


    COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and related Technology) is a framework for IT governance and management. It provides a comprehensive set of guidelines, best practices, and process models for the governance and management of IT in organizations. COBIT covers the entire IT governance and management lifecycle, from the planning and organization of IT, through the delivery and support of IT services, to the monitoring and improvement of IT. COBIT is designed to help organizations align their IT activities with their overall business goals and objectives, and to ensure that IT is managed in a transparent and accountable manner. It provides guidance on the establishment of IT governance structures, the development of policies and procedures for the use of IT, and the management of IT risks.

  • ISO/IEC 27001

    ISO/IEC 27001 is an international standard for information security management that provides a framework for managing sensitive information and data, such as personal data, financial information, and intellectual property. The standard outlines the requirements for an Information Security Management System (ISMS) and provides a systematic approach for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving information security. It covers a range of topics such as risk management, access control, and incident management. Organizations can be certified to the standard as a demonstration of their commitment to information security and data protection.

  • ISO/IEC 27001 Certification

    The purpose of ISO 27001 certification is to provide a framework for organizations to manage and protect sensitive information and data through the establishment of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). The benefits of ISO 27001 certification include: Improved information security: The standard helps organizations identify, assess, and manage information security risks, leading to improved security of sensitive information and data. Compliance: ISO 27001 certification can assist organizations in meeting applicable legal and regulatory requirements for information security. Improved reputation: Demonstrating commitment to information security through certification can enhance an organization's reputation and build trust with stakeholders. Increased efficiency: The standard requires organizations to have a documented information security management system, clear roles and responsibilities, and defined processes and procedures, leading to increased efficiency and optimization of resources. Competitive advantage: Organizations with ISO 27001 certification may have a competitive advantage in tenders and procurement processes, as well as in attracting customers who require a high level of information security. Overall, ISO 27001 certification helps organizations protect sensitive information and data, build trust with stakeholders, and improve their reputation, while also providing a systematic approach for managing information security risks.

  • ISO 20000 Certification

    ISO 20000 certification is a globally recognized standard for IT service management. It provides a framework for organizations to manage and improve the quality of their IT services, by establishing a systematic and proactive approach to service delivery, service support and continual service improvement. The standard covers the design, transition, delivery and improvement of IT services and requires an organization to have a documented service management system, clear roles and responsibilities, and defined processes and procedures. ISO 20000 certification demonstrates an organization's commitment to providing high-quality IT services that meet the needs of its customers and stakeholders and helps organizations to optimize the use of resources and improve the overall efficiency of their IT operations.

  • ISO 22301 Certification

    ISO 22301 Certification is an international standard for business continuity management. It provides a framework for organizations to plan, implement, and maintain effective business continuity management processes. This includes measures to prevent or minimize the impact of disruptions and ensure that critical operations can continue even in the event of a crisis. The certification demonstrates an organization's commitment to maintaining business resilience and ensuring the continuation of essential services in the face of any type of disruption.

  • ISO 38500 Certification

    ISO 38500 certification demonstrates an organization's commitment to effective IT governance and its ability to manage IT in support of its goals. The certification involves a third-party assessment of the organization's IT governance practices. Obtaining ISO 38500 certification can help organizations improve alignment of IT with their goals, enhance accountability and transparency in IT decision-making, and demonstrate their commitment to effective IT governance.